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Are You Sitting Comfortably

Do you suffer with back pains sat at your desk? Its time for a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment. Arrow Office can visit at your place of work and run through a workstation checklist to check you are sat correctly. Wrong sitting postures and the way we use DSE often cause problems. Display Screen Equipment…

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Essential Office Needs

When wanting your employees to perform their tasks properly day by day, serious thought needs to go into the types of business supplies and office essentials they needed to help them manage office-related workload smoothly. Office equipment can easily be overlooked but it is an essential part of every business operation, especially for employees as…

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Sit-Stand Desks

Around the world, the office-based working environment has gone through some necessitated changes for the better. Many business owners are quick to realise that offering their employees the option of a sit and stand desk from office supplies in Stockport is not just an investment in their workforce, but also the retention growth of the…

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Ergonomic Chairs Explained

Prolonged sitting is among the major health implications of awareness taking over the current workplace these days. People who spend over 30 hours a week sitting at their desks are more prone to experience posture and neck pains in life. This results in a lot of stress on the human body, especially in the spine….

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Avoid Back Pain in the Workplace

Working nine until five-thirty 5 days a week can certainly take its toll on your lifestyle, home life and ultimately, your health. To help avoid back pain, business owners are taking more steps to ensure comfort not only in hybrid working but also within the office environment. By providing their workforce with business supplies suited…

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New Office Environments for the New Year

Whilst many people make resolutions for the new year that may or may not work out, there are goals for your business in the new year that will remain a sole focus. In supporting that, some resolutions can be made for the workplace that can pay off – and it starts with some organization of…

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The Gift of Employee Value for Christmas

  Christmas week is upon us and if your staff is working right up until Christmas Eve, they are a very special breed of employees – and ones that deserve their recognition for such a trying year. Whilst many businesses employ the Secret Santa way of gifts being handed out around the office, many directors…

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Rewarding Your Staff for Christmas

Are you stuck on what to reward your staff with this Christmas? They have no doubt worked incredibly hard through a tough year and deserve something pretty special – as well as some Christmas festivities. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of appreciation of their working skills to make them energised, and investing in…

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Boosting Employee Happiness

It is not always an easy role to play as an employer in keeping happy employees. Most of the time, your employees have different needs that they want to meet to be their most productive. Though salaries are usually the main focus of keeping employees feeling valued, it is not the only solution available. The…

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Are Office Calendars Still of Use?

As we rely heavily on technology in most aspects of life nowadays, even the smallest of tasks can be done by an app or device within hand reach. Calendars are no different, with most mobile phones having a built-in calendar you can set your important dates and reminders and be alerted to when they are…

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Latest News

Are You Sitting Comfortably

Do you suffer with back pains sat at your desk? Its time for a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment. Arrow Office can visit at your place of work and run through a workstation checklist to check you are sat correctly. Wrong sitting postures and the way we use DSE often…

office essentials
Essential Office Needs

When wanting your employees to perform their tasks properly day by day, serious thought needs to go into the types of business supplies and office essentials they needed to help them manage office-related workload smoothly. Office equipment can easily be overlooked but it is an essential part of every business…

sit and stand desk
Sit-Stand Desks

Around the world, the office-based working environment has gone through some necessitated changes for the better. Many business owners are quick to realise that offering their employees the option of a sit and stand desk from office supplies in Stockport is not just an investment in their workforce, but also…