Who is entitled to a DSE Assessment?

If workers use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work, continuously for an hour or more, employers must do a workstation assessment.

There is guidance on the Health and Safety Executive website: https://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/dse/index.htm

What constitutes a DSE Assessment?

Wrong sitting postures and the way we use DSE often cause problems. Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is the screen that displays information – this in itself might not give you back pain, but the way you sit at it could do. Computer/laptop workstations or equipment can be connected to neck, shoulder, back, arm pain, leg or foot pain as well as fatigue and eyestrain.

It is not just the display screen that needs to be assessed. The most common display screen equipment that also needs to be considered includes:Screen/ Display monitors

  • Screen/ Display monitors
  • Keyboards
  • Mouse
  • Laptops and Tablets
  • iPad
  • Smartphones
  • Trackballs
  • Software
  • Furniture (i.e. chair and desk)
  • Environment around you

The assessment should also cover the general environment: including proper lighting, reflections, ventilation, temperature, humidity and noise. All of these things can impact how the display screen equipment is used and the risks to users.

Book a DSE Assessment

Arrow Office now offer DSE assessments, we can call to your workplace and assess a single person or the whole workforce.

Each assessment can take upto one hour, we will provide a full report on each individual with recommendations to their workspace.

By conducting a DSE assessment and educating employees, you can potentially improve the health and well-being of your employees, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, and minimise injury risk hazards. Once the assessment is completed, an action plan can be developed to avoid any potential future risks.

Call 01625 858687 or email info@arrowbusiness.co.uk for further details.